ADF Climate Action Window: Mitigation Sub-window Call for Proposals
Opens May 27 2024 06:30 AM (GMT)
Deadline Jul 8 2024 11:59 PM (GMT)


Nine out of ten of the world’s most vulnerable countries are in Africa, according to the 2022 Climate Vulnerability Index. Africa is the most exposed to climate risks and the least resilient, with fragile and transitioning states particularly at risk due to their low adaptation capacities. Climate change disproportionately affects Africa's poorest, especially women, children, and the elderly, exacerbating the impacts of extreme weather events such as droughts and floods. To address this, climate mitigation efforts aim to limit global warming to well below 2°C, ideally to 1.5°C. Achieving these targets is critical to curbing the severity of extreme weather events and minimizing other climate-related impacts, thereby protecting these vulnerable communities across Africa’s most vulnerable countries.

Recognizing climate change as a major threat to Africa, the African Development Fund's Sixteenth Replenishment (ADF-16) established a Climate Action Window (CAW) for Africa's 37 least developed countries. CAW, with an initial commitment of approximately US$ 429 million, aims to boost adaptation actions and expects to increase funding through contributions from various actors. The funding is primarily allocated to adaptation (75%), with the remainder for mitigation (15%) and technical assistance (10%).

The Mitigation Sub-Window Call for Proposals

The focus of this Second Call for Proposals under the CAW is the Mitigation Sub-Window. The CAW will launch a subsequent call focused on Technical Assistance this year.

Priority Sectors

The priority sectors for the mitigation sub-window of the Climate Action Window (CAW) include agriculture, forestry, land use, and fisheries; water access and wastewater management; energy access and renewable energy; transport and infrastructure; and green and sustainable finance. 

Cross-cutting Themes

The priority cross-cutting themes are Paris alignment; gender, youth, and social inclusion; biodiversity and nature-based solutions; enhancing climate governance; green public finance; and skills and capacity building.

Eligible African Development Fund Countries

Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, São Tomé & Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. (Note: Projects from or covering ineligible countries will not be funded).

Eligible Beneficiaries

(i) Governments and government entities of ADF countries (see above for the list of ADF countries) (ii) African Development Bank departments: Bank departments may submit proposals directly or may work with eligible external beneficiaries to support them in preparing high quality project concept notes. (iii) Regional or sub-regional intergovernmental bodies, including climate centers, river basin organizations, economic communities. (iv) Non-sovereign entities (such as Non-Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations, and UN Agencies). Proposals from consortia are allowed if all members of the consortium are eligible beneficiaries.

Grant Amount/Funding Envelope: 

For this mitigation call, the Climate Action Window will allocate approximately US$ 64 million. The funding is in the form of grants. Funding requested for a single project or programme may range between US$ 3 million to 5 million. In exceptional cases and on recommendation by the Independent Evaluation Panel, funding may be granted above or below these limits.

Selection Criteria: 

Eligibility and Screening: To access funds from the mitigation sub-window of the Climate Action Window (CAW), a project must meet several eligibility criteria that align with the strategic priorities of the host country(ies) and African Development Bank (AfDB). The project must be consistent with the AfDB’s Ten-Year Strategy, the High 5s priority areas, relevant Country Strategy Papers (CSP), Regional Integration Strategy Papers, and the Bank’s Gender Strategy. It should strongly support the objectives of the Bank’s Climate Change and Green Growth Action Plan, contributing significantly to mitigation efforts as outlined in the CAW's results framework. This includes having defined mitigation result indicators, aligning with national climate policies like Nationally Determined Contributions, and adhering to Common Principles for Climate Change Mitigation Finance Tracking. The project's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impacts must be estimated, with a clear methodology, baseline, and project emission scenarios. Projects that involve innovative approaches such as Research & Development or digital and financial solutions that can potentially transform carbon-neutral initiatives are also eligible. Additionally, there should be explicit budget allocations for proposed mitigation activities, and the project should not duplicate funding available from other sources. Furthermore, the project requires a no-objection letter from relevant national ministries and should ideally have co-financing arrangements that qualify as climate finance. These criteria ensure that the projects funded are impactful, aligned with strategic goals, and supported by the host governments and other financial contributors.

Evaluation: Once projects are screened and considered eligible, they go through an evaluation. The CAW Secretariat evaluates projects based on their capacity to mitigate climate vulnerability to the project itself, bolster country resilience, and foster innovative low-emission solutions. The evaluation emphasizes the project's adherence to national climate agenda, the potential for significant climate change mitigation impacts, and the necessity for CAW-specific climate finance. Additionally, projects should demonstrate extensive climate and development co-benefits, prioritize gender equality and youth empowerment, and contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem preservation. The assessment also scrutinizes project readiness, overall quality, and sustainability prospects, with a strong focus on projects that showcase robust country ownership, active stakeholder participation, and the capacity to attract co-financing, ensuring scalability and a broader impact.

How to Apply 

Download user guide for submission

The application process consists of two stages:

Stage 1 – Eligibility Questions:

1) Create an account on the application site and choose your preferred language, either English or French. 2) Click on "apply" to start your application and enter the title of your project. 3) Complete and submit the eligibility questions (see full list of eligibility questions in Annex 1 of the guidance note linked below). You will receive an email notification regarding the eligibility status of your application. If your application is ineligible, it ends here. If eligible, you can proceed to Stage 2.

Note: It is advised to complete Stage 1 early and not delay until the deadline because completing Stage 1 of the application process does not mark the end of the process. Only after successfully completing the eligibility form would applicants then be able to download the concept note template from the portal. The second stage of the application process, which requires the development of a project concept note, requires even more time to complete. If your application is eligible at the end of Stage 1, you will receive a notification to this effect via email. You will also receive a notification via email if your application is ineligible.

Stage 2 – Submission of Concept Note:

1) Log in to the application platform. 2) Download the Project Concept Note template from the application platform. 3) Fill out the Project Concept Note template (see a copy in Annex 2 of the guidance note link below) with your project details. 4) Compile all important supporting documents into a single file and attach it to the annex of your concept note. 5) Upload your completed Project Concept Note along with all relevant annexes as one file, then click "submit".

Ensure you submit your project concept note by the deadline of 11:59 PM GMT on July 08, 2024. You can submit your application in either English or French. All sections of the application (the eligibility questionnaire and the Project Concept Note) must be completed. Incomplete Project Concept Notes submitted via the portal will not be considered. Furthermore, Project Concept Notes submitted via the CAW Secretariat email will not be considered.

For more information    

IMPORTANT: Review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and the Guidance Note before beginning the application. You can contact the CAW Secretariat at climateactionwindow@AFDB.ORG at least 2 weeks before the closing date of the call for proposals. 

Estimated timeline for the CfP2 Mitigation Sub-window

ADF Climate Action Window: Mitigation Sub-window Call for Proposals


Nine out of ten of the world’s most vulnerable countries are in Africa, according to the 2022 Climate Vulnerability Index. Africa is the most exposed to climate risks and the least resilient, with fragile and transitioning states particularly at risk due to their low adaptation capacities. Climate change disproportionately affects Africa's poorest, especially women, children, and the elderly, exacerbating the impacts of extreme weather events such as droughts and floods. To address this, climate mitigation efforts aim to limit global warming to well below 2°C, ideally to 1.5°C. Achieving these targets is critical to curbing the severity of extreme weather events and minimizing other climate-related impacts, thereby protecting these vulnerable communities across Africa’s most vulnerable countries.

Recognizing climate change as a major threat to Africa, the African Development Fund's Sixteenth Replenishment (ADF-16) established a Climate Action Window (CAW) for Africa's 37 least developed countries. CAW, with an initial commitment of approximately US$ 429 million, aims to boost adaptation actions and expects to increase funding through contributions from various actors. The funding is primarily allocated to adaptation (75%), with the remainder for mitigation (15%) and technical assistance (10%).

The Mitigation Sub-Window Call for Proposals

The focus of this Second Call for Proposals under the CAW is the Mitigation Sub-Window. The CAW will launch a subsequent call focused on Technical Assistance this year.

Priority Sectors

The priority sectors for the mitigation sub-window of the Climate Action Window (CAW) include agriculture, forestry, land use, and fisheries; water access and wastewater management; energy access and renewable energy; transport and infrastructure; and green and sustainable finance. 

Cross-cutting Themes

The priority cross-cutting themes are Paris alignment; gender, youth, and social inclusion; biodiversity and nature-based solutions; enhancing climate governance; green public finance; and skills and capacity building.

Eligible African Development Fund Countries

Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, São Tomé & Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. (Note: Projects from or covering ineligible countries will not be funded).

Eligible Beneficiaries

(i) Governments and government entities of ADF countries (see above for the list of ADF countries) (ii) African Development Bank departments: Bank departments may submit proposals directly or may work with eligible external beneficiaries to support them in preparing high quality project concept notes. (iii) Regional or sub-regional intergovernmental bodies, including climate centers, river basin organizations, economic communities. (iv) Non-sovereign entities (such as Non-Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations, and UN Agencies). Proposals from consortia are allowed if all members of the consortium are eligible beneficiaries.

Grant Amount/Funding Envelope: 

For this mitigation call, the Climate Action Window will allocate approximately US$ 64 million. The funding is in the form of grants. Funding requested for a single project or programme may range between US$ 3 million to 5 million. In exceptional cases and on recommendation by the Independent Evaluation Panel, funding may be granted above or below these limits.

Selection Criteria: 

Eligibility and Screening: To access funds from the mitigation sub-window of the Climate Action Window (CAW), a project must meet several eligibility criteria that align with the strategic priorities of the host country(ies) and African Development Bank (AfDB). The project must be consistent with the AfDB’s Ten-Year Strategy, the High 5s priority areas, relevant Country Strategy Papers (CSP), Regional Integration Strategy Papers, and the Bank’s Gender Strategy. It should strongly support the objectives of the Bank’s Climate Change and Green Growth Action Plan, contributing significantly to mitigation efforts as outlined in the CAW's results framework. This includes having defined mitigation result indicators, aligning with national climate policies like Nationally Determined Contributions, and adhering to Common Principles for Climate Change Mitigation Finance Tracking. The project's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impacts must be estimated, with a clear methodology, baseline, and project emission scenarios. Projects that involve innovative approaches such as Research & Development or digital and financial solutions that can potentially transform carbon-neutral initiatives are also eligible. Additionally, there should be explicit budget allocations for proposed mitigation activities, and the project should not duplicate funding available from other sources. Furthermore, the project requires a no-objection letter from relevant national ministries and should ideally have co-financing arrangements that qualify as climate finance. These criteria ensure that the projects funded are impactful, aligned with strategic goals, and supported by the host governments and other financial contributors.

Evaluation: Once projects are screened and considered eligible, they go through an evaluation. The CAW Secretariat evaluates projects based on their capacity to mitigate climate vulnerability to the project itself, bolster country resilience, and foster innovative low-emission solutions. The evaluation emphasizes the project's adherence to national climate agenda, the potential for significant climate change mitigation impacts, and the necessity for CAW-specific climate finance. Additionally, projects should demonstrate extensive climate and development co-benefits, prioritize gender equality and youth empowerment, and contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem preservation. The assessment also scrutinizes project readiness, overall quality, and sustainability prospects, with a strong focus on projects that showcase robust country ownership, active stakeholder participation, and the capacity to attract co-financing, ensuring scalability and a broader impact.

How to Apply 

Download user guide for submission

The application process consists of two stages:

Stage 1 – Eligibility Questions:

1) Create an account on the application site and choose your preferred language, either English or French. 2) Click on "apply" to start your application and enter the title of your project. 3) Complete and submit the eligibility questions (see full list of eligibility questions in Annex 1 of the guidance note linked below). You will receive an email notification regarding the eligibility status of your application. If your application is ineligible, it ends here. If eligible, you can proceed to Stage 2.

Note: It is advised to complete Stage 1 early and not delay until the deadline because completing Stage 1 of the application process does not mark the end of the process. Only after successfully completing the eligibility form would applicants then be able to download the concept note template from the portal. The second stage of the application process, which requires the development of a project concept note, requires even more time to complete. If your application is eligible at the end of Stage 1, you will receive a notification to this effect via email. You will also receive a notification via email if your application is ineligible.

Stage 2 – Submission of Concept Note:

1) Log in to the application platform. 2) Download the Project Concept Note template from the application platform. 3) Fill out the Project Concept Note template (see a copy in Annex 2 of the guidance note link below) with your project details. 4) Compile all important supporting documents into a single file and attach it to the annex of your concept note. 5) Upload your completed Project Concept Note along with all relevant annexes as one file, then click "submit".

Ensure you submit your project concept note by the deadline of 11:59 PM GMT on July 08, 2024. You can submit your application in either English or French. All sections of the application (the eligibility questionnaire and the Project Concept Note) must be completed. Incomplete Project Concept Notes submitted via the portal will not be considered. Furthermore, Project Concept Notes submitted via the CAW Secretariat email will not be considered.

For more information    

IMPORTANT: Review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and the Guidance Note before beginning the application. You can contact the CAW Secretariat at climateactionwindow@AFDB.ORG at least 2 weeks before the closing date of the call for proposals. 

Estimated timeline for the CfP2 Mitigation Sub-window

May 27 2024 06:30 AM (GMT)
Jul 8 2024 11:59 PM (GMT)