Africa Climate Change Fund - Call for Proposal
Opens Jun 23 2021 08:00 AM (GMT)
Deadline Jul 23 2021 11:59 PM (GMT)

The Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF or Fund) is a multi-donor trust fund hosted by the African Development Bank to improve the resilience of African countries to the negative impacts of climate change and the transition to sustainable low-carbon development. The ACCF has 5 donors, including the Governments of Germany, Flanders, Italy, Global Affairs Canada and Quebec. It has mobilized approximately $24.64 million from donors to support more than 16 African countries in their climate finance preparedness activities and in the implementation of small-scale adaptation projects.

The ACCF's third call for proposals focuses on Gender Equality and Climate Resilience. The Fund is seeking innovative and effective gender transformative proposals to address women's and men's unequal access to the resources needed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and to adequately and proportionally address the ways in which gender roles influence women's and men's ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Grant size and funding envelope: The financial envelope available for this call is US$6 million in grants, and the Fund is seeking for projects and programmes in the range of US$250,000 to US$1,000,000 per project.

Eligible Recipients: This call for proposals is open to all eligible recipients of ACCF grants, including African governments[1], regional organizations, African funds, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and research institutions[2], as well as departments of the African Development Bank (AfDB or Bank). The Bank's departments may submit proposals directly[3] or may work with eligible external recipients to help them prepare high-quality proposals. Proposals from consortia are allowed, provided that all consortium members are eligible beneficiaries.

Eligible activities: ACCF grants can be used to support the following activities, among others: consultancy or expert fees, development of project proposals, design and development of the theory of change, logical framework, monitoring and evaluation system and learning plan, trainings, workshops, consultations and participation in regional and international meetings, communications, awareness-raising, advocacy, translation services, office equipment and transport costs, and certain administrative costs and fees.

Co-financing: Matching funding of at least 5% for external beneficiaries and 10% for AfDB departments is strongly encouraged to demonstrate commitment and ownership by the project sponsor.

  • Moving a proposal to the project appraisal phase does not imply any guarantee of funding, as the authority to approve proposals rests entirely with the governing bodies of the ACCF (i.e. the Technical Committee (which reviews and approves proposals up to USD 500,000) and the Supervisory Committee (which reviews and approves proposals above USD 500,000 and up to USD 1 million).

Important information: Review the Frequently Asked Questions and the Guidance Note before beginning the application.

1]Including sub-national, local and municipal governments

[2]To be eligible for funding, NGOs and research institutions must be headquartered in Africa and be in operation for more than 2 years with proven track record and demonstrated credibility.

[3]Proposals from the AfDB departments must demonstrate value added beyond the Bank's usual work and should not be used to supplement departmental budgets.

Africa Climate Change Fund - Call for Proposal

The Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF or Fund) is a multi-donor trust fund hosted by the African Development Bank to improve the resilience of African countries to the negative impacts of climate change and the transition to sustainable low-carbon development. The ACCF has 5 donors, including the Governments of Germany, Flanders, Italy, Global Affairs Canada and Quebec. It has mobilized approximately $24.64 million from donors to support more than 16 African countries in their climate finance preparedness activities and in the implementation of small-scale adaptation projects.

The ACCF's third call for proposals focuses on Gender Equality and Climate Resilience. The Fund is seeking innovative and effective gender transformative proposals to address women's and men's unequal access to the resources needed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and to adequately and proportionally address the ways in which gender roles influence women's and men's ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Grant size and funding envelope: The financial envelope available for this call is US$6 million in grants, and the Fund is seeking for projects and programmes in the range of US$250,000 to US$1,000,000 per project.

Eligible Recipients: This call for proposals is open to all eligible recipients of ACCF grants, including African governments[1], regional organizations, African funds, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and research institutions[2], as well as departments of the African Development Bank (AfDB or Bank). The Bank's departments may submit proposals directly[3] or may work with eligible external recipients to help them prepare high-quality proposals. Proposals from consortia are allowed, provided that all consortium members are eligible beneficiaries.

Eligible activities: ACCF grants can be used to support the following activities, among others: consultancy or expert fees, development of project proposals, design and development of the theory of change, logical framework, monitoring and evaluation system and learning plan, trainings, workshops, consultations and participation in regional and international meetings, communications, awareness-raising, advocacy, translation services, office equipment and transport costs, and certain administrative costs and fees.

Co-financing: Matching funding of at least 5% for external beneficiaries and 10% for AfDB departments is strongly encouraged to demonstrate commitment and ownership by the project sponsor.

  • Moving a proposal to the project appraisal phase does not imply any guarantee of funding, as the authority to approve proposals rests entirely with the governing bodies of the ACCF (i.e. the Technical Committee (which reviews and approves proposals up to USD 500,000) and the Supervisory Committee (which reviews and approves proposals above USD 500,000 and up to USD 1 million).

Important information: Review the Frequently Asked Questions and the Guidance Note before beginning the application.

1]Including sub-national, local and municipal governments

[2]To be eligible for funding, NGOs and research institutions must be headquartered in Africa and be in operation for more than 2 years with proven track record and demonstrated credibility.

[3]Proposals from the AfDB departments must demonstrate value added beyond the Bank's usual work and should not be used to supplement departmental budgets.

Jun 23 2021 08:00 AM (GMT)
Jul 23 2021 11:59 PM (GMT)